Managed Laravel
Hosting Simplified

Create and deploy Laravel applications for a simplified managed hosting experience.

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Best Laravel Hosting Recipe for Robust Apps


SSD-Based Laravel Cloud Hosting

We offer dedicated IP address and SSD-based hosting so you have full control over your server for a continued powerful performance.

Advanced Cache

Our optimized stack comprises of advanced cache technologies including Memcached, Varnish, and Redis for fast content delivery.

HTTP/2 Supported

All our servers are HTTP/2 enabled which reduces the load on servers and secures the communication between web servers and clients.

Optimized Stack

Our advanced stack uses Apache, Nginx, PHP-FPM, and MySQL/MariaDB to speed up your Laravel site with faster processing.

PHP 7 Ready Servers

PHP 7 is the default version on all our servers. Experience the power of PHP 7.x that you get on your Laravel sites.


A CDN service that boosts the response times of your Laravel site, resulting in superior performance. You can integrate it easily in just a few clicks.


Dedicated Firewall

Our servers are protected by platform level firewalls and have regular firmware upgrades. This prevents intruders take advantage of vulnerabilities.

1-Click SSL Installation

Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate boosts the security of your Laravel site. With our hosting, the trusted certificate can be installed for free..

Auto-Healing Servers

You don’t have to worry about your app crashing. Our auto-healing servers resolve most of the issues.

IP Whitelisting

IP whitelisting allows you to set up secure connections with unrestricted access to SSH and SFTP.

Automated Backups

Set automated backups of any frequency (every 1 hour to every 7 days) or take backups on demand.

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication adds to the security of your Cloudways account, keeping your servers safe from any intruder.

24/7 Expert Support

24/7 Expert Support

You’re never alone. Simply type your query and our always active Support Team will sort it out. Our team is active even during the holiday season.

Active Community

We have an active and effective community where experts are always sharing their knowledge and experience.

Knowledge Base

Our Knowledge Base is a go-to resource for our customers if they need any help related to the platform.

24/7 Ticketing

With our 24/7 ticketing system you can keep track of a particular query as our team of experts care of all the issues.

Managed Migrations

Migrating your application to our managed hosting is not an issue. Let us know about your app and we’ll take care of it.


Our Engineers are experts in identifying bugs. In case there’s a server related issue, contact us and our team will do the magic.


Git Integration

We allow you deploy updated code on live servers as soon as changes occur in the remote repositories via Git auto-deployment.

SSH and SFTP Access

With SSH and SFTP, you can securely access the server and update folders and files for your application. You can even have SFTP credentials for your team..

Application & Server Cloning

You have the convenience to clone the entire server or copy specific sites easily. These copies of databases and files are made on new staging URLs.

One Account, Multiple Teams

Our platform allows you to assign one team member to different teams, making it easy to split projects between relevant teams.

Staging Area & URLs

Get the most out of our multiple staging URLs and areas by testing and developing websites.

Add Team Members

Divide work within the team by adding team members and assigning access (full or limited) of your server or app.

A Tailored Laravel Hosting Solution for Everyone

Solution for Developers

Whether it’s testing or taking a website live, you have complete freedom.

Solution for SMBs

A powerful and scalable solution for business of any size.

Solution for Agencies

Focus on the needs of your clients and let us handle your servers.

Solution for Freelancers

A one-stop solution that serves multiple requirements and diversified customers.

Raising the Bar for Laravel Performance Metrics

❝ Cloudways is an interesting company because it is in the process of moving from a service offering, where every deployment is essentially a custom one, to a far more productized approach ❞

Review Signal - Ben Kepes

❝ Cloudways takes care of the management of open-source tools for hosting websites, like Magento, WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla ❞

Tech Radar - Jordan Novet

❝ There’s a lot to like about Cloudways. The Web host has flexible plans, killer Web-based customer support, and excellent uptime. It’s a company that you can count on to keep your site up and running. ❞

Pcmag - Karol K

We’ll Migrate Your
Laravel App for Free!

Frequently Asked Questions

My Laravel receives heavy traffic quite often. How will you handle it ?

Our Laravel Hosting is robust enough to handle all kinds of Laravel sites, including large-scale high traffic websites. Check out our Laravel Hosting Benchmarks to see our platform’s performance in action.

Additionally, if you opt for cloud hosting with Kyup, an auto-scalable container hosting provider, your apps get scaled automatically when the system detects requirements for scaling up the application resources.
How can I deploy my Laravel application using Git ?

Host Laravel with us and deploy code from your Git repositories. For this to work, your Git repository must support Git over SSH. You can learn more about: Deploy Code to Your Application Using Git.
Do I have to pay separately for Laravel Hosting Server ?

No. All our Laravel Cloud Hosting Plans already have server charges included in the final billed amount. There is NO need to maintain more than one invoices and pay extra.
How can I setup Zero-Downtime Automatic Deployment on Cloudways ?

Our Managed Hosting allows the deployment of updated code as soon as the changes in the remote repositories occur. You can do this using our API, but it’s essential that Git repository supports Git over SSH. To learn more about the process, please check out How to Automate Git Deployment Using Webhooks on Cloudways.
I am concerned about security. Is your Laravel Cloud Hosting Platform secure ?

We do not compromise on security. This is why we have hardened the security of our Laravel hosting to industry standards. Furthermore, there is a platform-wide firewall which ensures data safety and security.

In addition, we upgrade the version of packages as soon as the security update is out. All these measures are supported by an automated backup mechanism where all backup data is stored in an offsite location.
Does your Platform provide Envoyer support ?

Yes, we provide Laravel Envoyer support. You can setup Laravel Envoyer for automatic deployment on our platform. To learn about the process, read: Deployment via Laravel Envoyer on Cloudways.
How can I get SSL certificate for my app ?

We provide Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates for free. The process of installing these certificates is simple and very hassle-free. All our customers can now enable free certificates with just a click.

However, you can also setup your own SSL certificates when using our hosting service. To learn more about the process, check out: How Can I Get an SSL Certificate for My Application and How to Install a Let’s Encrypt Certificate.